Tripadvisor more popular than family and friends when researching holidays

TripAdvisor is revolutionising the way in which we research out holidays in the UK. Almost half of us (43%) now use TripAdvisor as a research tool prior to booking our main holiday.

Trip advisor

Recommendations on TripAdvisor are now the favourite route of holiday research, becoming far more popular than suggestions from friends and family, which only a quart of us (26%) sought for their last main holiday. Almost half of us (43%) do not deem recommendations from friends and family to be an important factor when selecting a holiday destinations, compared to less than a third (30%) who felt the same way about online reviews.

The traditional reason for visiting a site like TripAdvisor is to read or leave reviews of hotels or restaurants. In total, nearly a quarter of Brits (23%) wrote a review based on an experience from their last main holiday, with 13% actually posting the review when on the holiday itself. Given time to think on returning from the holiday, one in five of us (18%) will write a review of a holiday experience when back in the UK.

Perhaps it is not surprising then that one in ten (9%) of us used TripAdvisor as a booking tool for our last main holiday.

To find out more interesting facts about how we are using the web to research, book and experience holidays download the Digital Destinations report.